3 research outputs found

    Deliverable D8.6 Market and Product Survey for LinkedTV Services and Technology

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    This deliverable D8.6 gives an update to D8.2 - First Market Analysis, which provided an initial market analysis focusing on the overall TV industry. D8.6 presents the results of the market analysis for LinkedTV products and services and consists of two parts: an overall analysis of current and future developments in the TV and digital video market and a specific market analysis of potential LinkedTV customers and competitors. Based on the market analysis it was possible to provide a first rough estimation of the LinkedTV market potential and to position LinkedTV on the market

    Deliverable D6.3 User Trial Results

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    User trials were prepared and conducted in the first quarter of 2014 in order to assess the appropriateness of the innovative functionalities of the second screen demonstrator developed in Y2 of the LinkedTV project. A sample installation of LinkedTV was set up at three different locations: at Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (RBB), Sound & Vision (S&V), and at the University of St. Gallen (USG). The LinkedTV installation included a TV showing sample content (“main screen”) and an tablet (“second screen”) showing chapters of the program as well as semi-automaticaly acquired additional information about persons, topics and places depicted in the program on the main screen. In total 24 participants took part in the trial at all three locations (9 at RBB, 5 at S&V and 10 at USG). To assess the appropriateness of the LinkedTV features, the trial participants were provided with a “hands-on” opportunity to use the LinkedTV Application and were observed while using the installation. The participants also filled in a questionnaire at the end of the session

    Deliverable D8.2 First market analysis

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    This deliverable provides an overview of a first market analysis of the IPTV market. It points out possible customers, competitors and the differences between LinkedTV and their competitive firms